BIP Spring '24Welfare

The welfare team

Bobby, Carly, Jen, Jen & Jo are your Welfare team for this BIP weekend. No, we're all sad that Alex isn't here as well. We're here for you to talk to if you have any concerns or issues with anything at BIP, or if you just fancy a chat. Come and find us at any point over the weekend — we'll be the ones wearing pink BIP shirts. If you want to raise a concern without talking to us, you can leave a message in the welfare box at main reception.

Incident reporting

To report an urgent incident, please find one of us, Geoff or Tom. If you cannot find someone in person, call Jo on 07973 278052.

For non-urgent incidents or complaints, please use the form below. When you report an incident, there is no required information and we will respect any requests for privacy. However, the more information we have to act on and potentially relay to others where necessary, the better we will be equipped to solve any immediate or ongoing problems and make things better in the future.

When you report an incident, there is no required information and we will respect any requests for privacy. However, the more information we have to act on and potentially relay to others where necessary, the better we will be equipped to solve any immediate or ongoing problems and make things better in the future.

Code of conduct and behaviour at the venue

Trigger warning: noise

At various points over the weekend, 90 improvisers will be in one room together — this can get very noisy. Please be aware of this if you have sound sensitivities, especially during warm up/get to know you games, or the evening entertainment.

Your feedback, your weekend

After each weekend, we ask you to complete a short survey about your time, to help us make the event even better next time. We're happy to report feedback continues to be very positive, but we have a few programme tweaks.

Welcome, newcomers

One of the most challenging aspect of running BIP is how we make an event that's been running for… nearly a decade, wow — and has 90 attendees as welcoming as possible for newcomers. This time, we're trying a first-timers welcome session with the welfare team before the event starts on Friday. This will be a really relaxed drop-in event where you can meet other novice Bippers, get to know some of our welfare team and maybe even warm up with some simple games.

Evening entertainment

Last time, every group who asked to perform got their wish. The resulting evening events were perhaps a bit too long, so this time, we've trimmed down the timings while keeping a healthy variety of talent to share.

This is your event, so thanks for sharing your feedback and look out for the form once you're safely back home!